Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kenya 2009 Update

72 days and counting.... 

Praise = Through donations and work, I have been able to raise enough money to pay for the airline tickets, and Conference. : ) That's a huge praise. 

Prayer Requests = Pray for the Woodworth family as they get ready to head back to Kenya next week. Pray for their safety and for an easy adjustment to life in Kenya. 
Pray that the visa application process will go smoothly and that there won't be any real big problems. And for continued peace as the time for the trip grows closer and the time with my friends and family grows smaller. 

Random News = I will be leaving Greenville on the 24th of May directly after the morning service. We will be traveling up to Tennessee where we will meet the family I'll be flying with. I fly out on May 31st and arrive in Kenya on June 1st.